Fellesrådet for Afrika Meny
Afrika Nå 26.02.20

Afrika Nå: Who owns the land? Women and land rights in Africa

Women protesting for land rights in South Africa. Photo by: socioprojworldpresscom

For all people, the right to land is the foundation for security, shelter and livelihood. In half of the countries in the world, women are unable to assert equal land and property rights. Although progress has been made in several African countries, patriarchal land ownership systems in many countries mean that women are often dependent on men to access land, even when legal protection is in place. As land rights play a crucial role in inclusive growth and development, what are the consequences of women missing out? And what can be done to make sure the law is being upheld?

The event is a collaboration with Habitat Norway with funding from FOKUS - Forum for Women and Development

More than half of the world’s population lives in cities and people move from the rural to the urban areas daily. This rapid urbanization is especially evident on the African continent, with sub-Saharan Africa regarded as the world’s fastest urbanizing region. From being seen as an economic and social ill, many now agree that urbanization can drive growth and development if managed right. In Africa, cities will drive the continent’s economic growth and help reduce poverty. However, the increased populations stress limited infrastructure and services such as housing, health, education and employment.

What is the connection between land rights and urbanization? How can African countries use land right policies to ensure inclusive growth and efficient urbanization?

Nana Ama Yirrah, founder and executive director of COLANDEF. COLANDEF an NGO based in Ghana that works to achieve land tenure security. As a land economist, development policy analyst and gender specialist Yirrah has spent over 24 years delivering interventions to support land and natural resource governance and securing women’s land rights.

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, scientific researcher and lecturer and chair of Land Management at Technische Universität München. He is currently the co-Chair of the International Research and Training Cluster of the Global Land Tool Network (of UN-Habitat).

Stein Holden, Professor School of Economics and Business at NMBU. He is also a core member of the Centre of Land Tenure Studies (CLTS). Main areas of research include Land Tenure and Land Markets, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Natural Resource Management, Rural Transformation, Climate Risk and Food Security, Youth Employment.

The event is free and open for all!


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