Fellesrådet for Afrika Meny

An Angolan tribute to the Norwegian "information support"

Etter å ha deltatt på Fellesrådets Angolakonferanse - delvis finansiert av informasjonsstøtte fra Norad - skrev Elias Isaac fra Open Society Angola brev til norske politikere,der han ber dem opprettholde informasjonsstøtten.

To: Norwegian politicians and others


In September 2014, I visited Oslo and Stavanger, to take part in several conferences and debates organized by The Norwegian Council for Africa (Fellesraadet) and CMI. The funding to organize these events came from the Norwegian Government support to non-governmental organizations, also known as the “information support”.

These types of conferences and debates are very useful and important to foster open minds and free flow of ideas and information that concerns countries and peoples connected in different ways. In a world that is woven ever closer together, it is very important that civil society organizations in Africa, and in particular Angola, have the opportunity to speak directly to decision-makers, and business groups in countries such as Norway who have business and economic interest in our country. The promotion of transparency and accountability in business particularly in the oil industry and national economic is important and critical in guaranteeing social justice and economic development that benefits all citizens. The fight against corruption demands a direct and open dialogue with oil companies and the government in countries such as Norway which has huge economic interests in Angola.

Therefore, it is our strong hope that Norwegian organizations will continue to get funding from the Norwegian Government to facilitate and promote these much needed dialogues and understanding between Africa and Norway.

The conference and debates held on September 22-23 at Stortinget and KS Agenda, on the topic “Angola and Norway - the perfect partnership? Business, politics and the challenge of human rights" is a great example of the importance and success of the work that Norwegian non-governmental organizations facilitate and promote.

Yours Sincerely,

Elias Mateus Isaac,

Angola Country-Director, Open Society for Southern Africa (OSISA)


Informasjonen i bedriftsdatabasen er basert på offentlig tilgjengelig informasjon om selskapene og på direkte etterspurt informasjon. Siste oppdatering av bedriftsdatabasen ble gjennomført i 2021. Dersom du er et selskap eller et enkeltindivid som ser mangler eller behov for oppdatering må du gjerne ta kontakt med Fellesrådet for Afrika.