The relatively peaceful election campaign in Zimbabwe has given people hope of change. However, the country is in desperate need of capital, as the infrastructure is in shatters and the government debts are massive. The two parties fighting for power is Zanu-PF, the ruling party, and the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change. Did the opposition have a fair chance?
Our Zimbabwe experts discuss the recent elections and the road ahead for the country. Will also open for Q&A. The event will take place on the 7 August from 18:00-19:30 at Menneskerettighetshuset in Kirkegata 5.
Luwisa Makosa, student activist from Zimbabwe. She has a background from the Student Christian Movement of Zimbabwe, an organization working to secure student welfare.
Innocent Sibanda, student activist from Zimbabwe. Innocent works for Zimbabwe National Student Union (ZINASU). ZINASU has been in the forefront for the non-violent fight for human rights, peace and democratic rights in Zimbabwe.
Tor-Hugne Olsen, established the international office of Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum in 2002, where he also worked for 8 years. Former leader of Amnesty International's work on Zimbabwe. Currently the director of Sex og Politikk.
Moderator is Stian A. Antonsen, board chairperson in the Norwegian Council for Africa and former Zimbabwe resident.
Podcast from the event: